Friday, 27 January 2012

Bye bye January...Hello February already????

Oh my time flies!

Especially with a little one.  This time last year, I just nearly learned I was pregnant and I remember thinking with heavy shoulders that September would never arrive!  And now that September, October, November, December and just about January have come and gone, I'm thinking that time can officially slow down. 

I'm 4 months old!!!
There are not enough hours in the day to be able to deeply breath in that wonderful, sweet scent of my little man; to watch as he learns and discovers new things everyday; or just to spend those few quiet moments before bed.  Please time...stand still for just a moment so I can have more of these special moments with my precious little one! 

Me and my girlfriend Abigail!  She's so cute!!! 
Over the past month, Dallin has grown ever so much!  And he's dying to get going!  He just fits into the walker that Nana and Poppa smuggled over the border and he is slowly learning how to operate it.  Look out, because in about a week or two I'll be chasing him up and down the hallways! 

Me n My New Wheels!!! Wheee!!!
We've also offically started cereal.  We first started with once a day in the morning for breakfast, but that quickly got increased to twice a day when he got over his last cold and was beginning to wake up throughout the nights again.  He loves his cereal.  It's quite comical to watch him eat it though, because he can't quite sit in the highchair yet without leaning over, so it's always interesting with every bite to figure out where his mouth will be...sometimes we have to hold his head back to shovel it in there otherwise it just falls right back out.  At dinner time he usually eats with just the diaper on, so it's easy access in case a sink bath is needed lol!!!  Oh mister, you bring so much joy to Mommy's life!!! 

Where's my Cereal???

We also see the beginnings of wanting to crawl!  One day I have a feeling I'll run into the kitchen for something and when I come back to the living room he'll be motoring around!  I won't be able to get the camera ready fast enough. 

Do I fit in here?
This winter has definitely been a trying one with illnesses.  I'm sure there are many more to come too!  Living in a house full of adults who bring god knows what in, the little gaffer is bound to get sickly.  We've been in the hosptial for a second time at the beginning of the month, right after New Year's.  We were in again for 2 nights, and he is just recently getting over another cold, but we are taking every precaution to not have to return to the hospital!!! 

In the jail bed again :(
My sweet little prince has also become an avid swimmer at the Breithaupt Centre where both he and his big brother have been enrolled in swimming.  He absolutely loves it and it brought joy to my heart to be able to create that experience with him!  He even let me dunk him! He's such a big boy!

Look at me blow bubbles in the water!
Spent the first night away from Mommy and Daddy as he went to spend the weekend with Aunti Mani and Uncle Mike, while Mommy did some much needed bedroom cleaning!  With the humidifier in his room the walls got so salty and I couldn't stand touching anything in there anymore!  So Daddy and I cleaned until Midnight, and then spent the night in Niagara Falls on Saturday.  I know it probably seems weird that we went away when we had the house to ourselves, but we hadn't been there in a while and for Stephane it's like going home.  Stephane doesn't get to see what is left of his family much if at all, so to take him to Niagara Falls is like going home!  I know he enjoys it, and we enjoy our time together!  But, boy were we sure glad to see our little munchkin on Sunday when we met Aunti Mani in Vaughan!  Hopefully he was equally as excited!

Laying in my unborn cousins bed! Tee hee hee!!!
Well the monster is finally waking up from the longest nap I think he's ever had in the morning, so I better sign off with hopes to not be so long in posting another blog.

Me, Aunti Mandi and Jackers!!!
Love, hugs and kisses to all!

1 comment:

  1. Time definitely flies once you have kids! Enjoy it though :) There's always new phases they go through and new experiences!

    P.S. Love the drool in the first pic haha. And love how him and Jack are staring each other down in the last one lmao.
